Wednesday, February 26, 2020

1st semester reflection grade

I didn’t do the semester reflection. I was really sick and just didn’t get it done so i’d give myself an F as to how i followed the advice i would’ve given myself. Going forward i want to be more creative and put more effort into my projects. Most importantly i need to reteach myself my photoshop skills because i haven’t used it in so long i can’t remember how to use it

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to my past self

To past Mary,

When you get this letter you will be a high school senior! yay! One of your current classes in school is photography. At the beginning of the year you will not be happy that you are in this class; it’s not the easy class you had expected. For senior year you wanted to have all easy classes that you could glide right through but that is not the case. Photoshop isn’t as hard and frustrating as you think it is over the first few weeks, you learn how to use it. You get satisfactory work done during the first semester of school but unfortunately you get sick. My best advice is to keep trying to get your work done. You miss a lot of school and it’s hard to catch up and photography isn’t on the top of your priority list but you still need to get it done. Have fun taking photos and be creative, it’ll pay off in the end. Don’t procrastinate your work! Get your work done as soon as you can so you can make it as good as you can. Put effort into your projects and you’ll be much much happier with the results. You’re gonna make new friends with all the girls around you but, don’t let it distract you from your work. Help them when they ask for help because it’ll help you remember and learn more about photoshop. Overall just have fun and work hard. This is your favorite project you’ve done(you put a lot of work into it)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Forced Perspective

Importance of Art Questions

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

If the tax funding that goes to the art and music programs in schools are taken away many kids will not be able to participate in their passions. It will strip many of the interesting aspects of high school and for some kids the only enjoyable parts of their school days. Students go to school everyday trying to cram so much information into their heads and their electives can be their only "easy" and fun classes, it gives them a break from all the stressful classes. For some students it can be their only outlet from a stressful day.

If people want to take away the creative department's funding in order to fund classes to train students for the workforce then they should also just take away funding for sports. Sports are played way less when you're an adult and art and music are parts of everyday life. This is saying that students are not allowed to have creativity and passion for the arts. They can be athletic and prepared for the workforce. That strips life of all its color, it makes everything black and white for many students.

Some students want to work in the arts, music or theater after high school and how are they expected to have experience if they can't do these things in school and are being trained for a completely different jobs. Supplies for these departments can be super expensive and many students can't afford to buy them. This would be considered institutional classism. Low income students and students whose parents don't support their passions might only have access to these luxuries at school and it's not fair to strip them of their passions.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020



What Art? Questions

1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture?
The first image seems almost expressionless. The model looks a bit defeated but not overly emotional. The second image has much more emotion. The model looks quite annoyed or frustrated. The posture of the second model makes her seem much more annoyed and contributes to how one interprets the image. 2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop?
The images look like they were created with paint, probably oil paint, but it could have possibly been made in photoshop.
3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood?
The red in the images makes them more intense and the dark nude tones create contrast with the red. 4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful?
I think that the artist was intending to show the women's emotions and that they were upset. They were attempting to evoke emotion in the viewer and show them that you aren't alone. The effort was successful because the viewer can see the emotion in the images.