Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to my past self

To past Mary,

When you get this letter you will be a high school senior! yay! One of your current classes in school is photography. At the beginning of the year you will not be happy that you are in this class; it’s not the easy class you had expected. For senior year you wanted to have all easy classes that you could glide right through but that is not the case. Photoshop isn’t as hard and frustrating as you think it is over the first few weeks, you learn how to use it. You get satisfactory work done during the first semester of school but unfortunately you get sick. My best advice is to keep trying to get your work done. You miss a lot of school and it’s hard to catch up and photography isn’t on the top of your priority list but you still need to get it done. Have fun taking photos and be creative, it’ll pay off in the end. Don’t procrastinate your work! Get your work done as soon as you can so you can make it as good as you can. Put effort into your projects and you’ll be much much happier with the results. You’re gonna make new friends with all the girls around you but, don’t let it distract you from your work. Help them when they ask for help because it’ll help you remember and learn more about photoshop. Overall just have fun and work hard. This is your favorite project you’ve done(you put a lot of work into it)

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