Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Importance of Art Questions

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

If the tax funding that goes to the art and music programs in schools are taken away many kids will not be able to participate in their passions. It will strip many of the interesting aspects of high school and for some kids the only enjoyable parts of their school days. Students go to school everyday trying to cram so much information into their heads and their electives can be their only "easy" and fun classes, it gives them a break from all the stressful classes. For some students it can be their only outlet from a stressful day.

If people want to take away the creative department's funding in order to fund classes to train students for the workforce then they should also just take away funding for sports. Sports are played way less when you're an adult and art and music are parts of everyday life. This is saying that students are not allowed to have creativity and passion for the arts. They can be athletic and prepared for the workforce. That strips life of all its color, it makes everything black and white for many students.

Some students want to work in the arts, music or theater after high school and how are they expected to have experience if they can't do these things in school and are being trained for a completely different jobs. Supplies for these departments can be super expensive and many students can't afford to buy them. This would be considered institutional classism. Low income students and students whose parents don't support their passions might only have access to these luxuries at school and it's not fair to strip them of their passions.

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